Oh how i love what we can do with simple piece of plain papers. Soooo fascinated by it. This time around it's popup greeting cards. RobertSabuda.com
The cool thing about his website is, there's a section that teaches u how to make ur own popup cards, some with .*pdf files that u can download. murah rezeki mamat nih eheheheh. all u need is couple piece of high quality papers, scissors, paper cutter and glue.
so next time for ur bf or gf birthday, instead of u lazy bastards buy a greeting card at MPH, buat la sendri beb..then u can brag to her/his frens that u do it urself all night long. Walauweiiiiiii.....naik saham korang weh. pastu mlm skit korang dpt hadiah special plak dari bf/gf korang ehehehe tested n proven effective by pros...try la!!!
p/s: kad babi tu aku akan bagi kat ellyrocker maser besday dia
uih.... kalo kad utk elly rocker aku sanggup tolong guntingkan kertas! hahahaha....
cilake hindu 2 ekor nih.. tasya! i jilat u kang!!
your blog very beautiful and more info ,make me excited. Congratulation!!
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